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"Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees’ Foodgathering Ability"

"BRIGHTON, UK -- Controversial pesticides ingested by bumble bees can seriously impact the insects’ ability to collect food, even at very low levels of contamination, finds new research from the University of Sussex and the University of Stirling."

Source: ENS, 01/30/2014

"Big Biotech Does As Expected -- Sues Kauai Over GMO Law"

"As was expected, Big Biotech’s legal juggernaut has rolled into action in Hawai’i. On Friday afternoon, three big agrochemical companies — Pioneer-DuPont, Syngenta, and Agrigenetics Inc (a subsidiary of Dow Chemical) — filed a suit in a federal court in Honolulu seeking to block Kauai County’s new GMO regulatory law."

Source: Earth Island Journal, 01/14/2014
