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Center for Public Integrity's Minority Fellowship in Investigative Journalism
The Center for Public Integrity seeks applicants for its Minority Fellowship in Investigative Journalism which begin on Oct 19, 2015. There are two openings: one in our Environment & Labor desk and another in Money & Politics.
The Center for Public Integrity is looking for ambitious postgraduates for two, year-long, paid fellowships in Washington, D.C funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Center is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that produces original, responsible investigative journalism on issues of public concern.
The Fellowships, now in their second year, are part of the Center’s commitment to developing a pipeline of talented journalists of color with superb investigative reporting skills.
The Center will be selecting two candidates for this highly competitive fellowship opportunity. Each will receive training and reporting opportunities
One Fellow will be hosted by the Center for Public Integrity’s Pulitzer-winning Environment and Labor team, working on individual stories and projects covering subjects such as environmental justice, climate change, energy development and manipulation/suppression of science. The team’s goal is to produce powerful, character-driven stories that highlight regulatory lapses and corporate misconduct that threaten public health and the natural environment and minority communities.
A second Fellow will join The Center for Public Integrity’s Money & Politics team to help its projects to explore the effect of money in politics on under-represented and communities of color. The team’s goal is to produce groundbreaking coverage and use the tools of investigative and data journalism to tell those stories.
All of the Fellows’ work will appear on the Center’s website and on digital, print and broadcast platforms associated with our media partners. There also will be opportunities to work with broadcast and online partners. Fellows will have a range of experiences across the Center’s reporting operations and can be expected to be assigned to projects that will enhance their skills and give new training and development opportunities
Qualified candidates should have some reporting experience, strong writing skills, a specific interest in investigative reporting, and a desire to pursue the types of issues we cover. Demonstrated experience in investigative or entrepreneurial reporting a plus.
To Apply for the Money & Politics Fellowship: http://
publicintegrity.atsondemand. com/index.cfm?fuseaction= 512612.viewjobdetail&CID= 512612&JID=505142 -
To Apply for the Environment Fellowship: ht
tp://publicintegrity. fuseaction=512612. viewjobdetail&CID=512612&JID= 476484