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Freelancers make up a big segment of SEJ's membership. The work is a tricky mixture of contract negotiation, copyright issues, time management and story-selling. This page offers resources specifically tailored to those journalists.

DISCLAIMER: Various SEJ journalists and others have offered these links as sources of information. We pass them along as a service. The views expressed on these websites are not necessarily those of SEJ or its board. Some offer products and services. SEJ does not endorse any of these websites. Do your homework.

Have other ideas for content on this page? Email SEJ web content manager Cindy MacDonald.

  • Sign up for our SEJ member freelancers listserv: SEJ-Freelance. Go here for information on joining the listserv and accessing archives.
  • Check out SEJournal's Freelance Files for valuable tips and wisdom from environmental journalism freelancers.
  • See the resource list (updated in early 2020) compiled by SEJ freelancers Karen Schaefer and Meera Subramanian, who hosted a beat dinner in October 2010 at SEJ's 20th Annual Conference in Missoula, Montana to share information about how to make the freelance life work.


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Events and Funding Opportunities
General Resources and Articles
COVID-19 Resources


Events and Funding Opportunities

  • Sep 27, 2024-Dec 13, 2024: IIJ Freelance Webinar Series. The Institute for Independent Journalists invites freelance journalists to attend their upcoming free monthly webinar series on Fridays from 12:00-1:15 p.m. ET. Topics include how to pitch business, tech and science stories; training on powerful data tools; how to navigate layoffs; and tips on how to pursue journalism-adjacent opportunities in marketing and communications. Sign up in advance to attend one or all.
  • Sep 23, 2024 deadline: IRE Freelance Fellowships. Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) provides cash awards to assist independent journalists with investigative projects that will be published primarily in the U.S. and in outlets where the primary audience will be at least a part of the American public.
  • July 31, 2024 Deadline: Reporting Safely in Crisis Zones Course. The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, in partnership with the ACOS Alliance and the Bronx Documentary Center, is offering its annual four-day crisis zones reporting course to 16 freelance journalists at no cost. The course will be held October 3-6, 2024 in New York City.
  • Mar 15, 2024: Insurance for Freelancers Webinar. The Institute for Independent Journalists invites you to learn about securing insurance as a freelance journalist, how to manage risk and resources that can protect you. 12:00-1:15 p.m. ET.
  • Feb 29-Mar 1, 2024: The IIJ Freelance Journalism Conference is presented online by the Institute for Independent Journalists, an organization whose mission is the emotional and financial sustainability of freelancers of color. Journalists can get a 10% discount on registration.

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General Resources and Articles

100 Best Apps for Online Job Freelancers
While not aimed specifically at freelance journalists, this list researched and compiled by Small Revolution gives a rundown on apps to help any freelancer manage, streamline, collaborate and increase efficiency in their work.

A Culture of Safety Alliance
Established in 2015, the ACOS Alliance is a coalition of news organizations, freelance journalist associations and press freedom NGOs collaborating to promote safe and responsible journalistic practices. You'll find information on insurance, safety training, an information-sharing project and other resources.

Absolute Write
Established in 1999, this site for beginners and professionals offers free newsletters, online forums, literary agents, market and writing resources, more. "Absolute Write is a moderated, free, online community of writers, agents, editors, and publishers. We welcome writers of all levels of experience and ambition. We do not offer any paid services, classes or workshops."

AIR Rate Guides
AIR, a network of independent audio producers, multimedia journalists, and public media programs, stations and networks across 30 countries, publishes rate guides for public radio, day rates, editing and more. Guides last updated Sep 2021.

All About Freelancing
For members of the National Association of Science Writers, this site provides links for science freelances, a frequently-asked-questions section, listservs, writing tips for specific subjects, time management, contract negotiations and advice.

American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
Offers a range of information to non-members, including position papers on indemnification clauses, "work made for hire" and "All-Rights" contracts plus information sheets on contract tips for freelancers, e-rights, copyright registration, how to protect your writing, intellectual property and more.

American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP)
Established in 1946, ASMP addresses the concerns of independent publication photographers, offering resources and deep experience in dealing with issues such as licensing and other legal issues, business management, etc.
A free web finance resource, accredited by the Better Business Bureau, offers an annuities guide on how to generate long-term income, which can greatly benefit those out of work or on a reduced income, and a COVID-19 financial guide.

Association of Independents in Radio (AIR)
Since 1988, AIR has been providing producers in radio- and audio-based media with professional development programs and resources, including mentoring, training and printed and online publications, as well as conferences and activities that expand networking, advocacy, employment and funding opportunities.

Canadian Freelance Guild
"A new form of unionism for freelance workers." Founded by members of the former Professional Writers Association of Canada and the independent membership of the Freelance Branch of the Canadian Media Guild , the CFG offers a job board, help with contracts and payment disputes, media cards, insurance, webinars, health care, social media accounts and more. $150/year.

Canadian Freelance Union
CEP Media formed this union for Canadian freelancers in 2006 to "utilize its resources to create a strong collective voice for media freelancers and other independent communication professionals." $125/year.

Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
The Dart Center offers a plethora of resources and a global network of journalists, journalism educators and health professionals dedicated to improving media coverage of trauma, conflict and tragedy. It is a project of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York City, with international satellite offices in London and Melbourne.

Freelance Academy
Short online business courses for freelancers. Prices vary by individual course or the full program.

Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE)
In 2016, with a $200,000 grant from a generous anonymous donor with a background in news reporting, Project Word launched a pilot project for a program to help unaffiliated journalists, Freelance Investigative Reporters and Editors (FIRE). Two services are provided: a complimentary Editorial Consultancy and a Virtual Newsroom offering funding (up to $12,500), open-records coaching, trained research assistance, data management and more. Rolling deadline. Also, FIRE accepts applications for customized contract-related legal assistance from two veteran media attorneys. Info on FIRE's resources on liability for freelancers from SEJournal. FIRE Tip Sheets for media outlets and freelance reporters providing guidance on arranging contracts for public-interest investigations. Sign up for FIRE's e-newsletter.

  • Aug 31, 2023 — The FIRE Guide to Freelancer Protection, made possible this month by a generous $50,000 grant from craig newmark philanthropies, will explore the extent to which outlets take legal responsibility for the stories they contract. freelancer interested in participating in the
    FIRE Guide to Freelancer Protection may apply here.

Freelance Solidarity Project
FSP is a division of the National Writers Union, requiring membership therein (sliding scale). They aim to improve industry standards for digital media workers worldwide by joining forces in an open-shop union (you don't have to work for a specific employer or client to join). They offer free monthly info sessions, a crowdsourced Rate Sharing database and access to a lawyer for advice on contracts. FSP supports the PRO Act (Protecting the Right to Organize Act).

Freelance Success
A great subscription site (USD$119/year) for serious freelancers, providing a weekly newsletter; an online forum; access to tools and databases that make running a freelance business more profitable; practical advice on using technology, such as how to find sources online and how to locate editors who treat freelancers well (and how to steer away from those who don't welcome contributors); a personal link to writers' confabs and invitation-only networking groups; tips on how to manage your freelance business; and more.

Freelance Writing
Another freelancer's assortment of links, with news, agents, ideas.

The Freelancer's Essential Guide to Business and Taxes
The purpose of this guide is to provide a concise, yet comprehensive reality check, so that freelancers are fully prepared to protect, build upon and succeed in this new freelance-centric economy. The guide is free online, educational, inspirational and practical; it aims to teach you why the freelance economy is growing and how, as a freelancer, you can take advantage of that growth. Scroll down past the W-9 form info for the guide.

Freelancers Union
This organization offers group health and dental insurance to freelancers, as well as useful discounts to Zipcar,, and other resources. Includes a great e-newsletter and a helpful section on Nonpaying Clients. No charge to join.

Freelancing 101: Your Complete Guide to Starting Successful Freelance Work
Zen Business' guide comprises a variety of topics on freelancing, including the pros and cons of this career; where to start and find work in desired freelance fields; resources and tools; tips on client management; and more.

"Freelancing Survival Tips for Investigative Reporters"
From Global Investigative Journalism Network, October 12, 2023, by Raúl F. Pérez Lira: "From promoting your work to getting top commissions, being a freelancer has many challenges. Freelance journalists from Germany, Kenya, and Syria share their tips."

Frontline Freelance Register
A membership association, FFR is open to international freelance journalists who are exposed to risk in their work and who adhere to its Code of Conduct. FFR offers a sense of community to members while providing resources for their safety and professional practice.

"How To Get Your First Upwork Job"
This article comprises tips from freelancers who use Upwork on how to get yourself noticed and hired.

"How to Successfully Acquire, Create and Manage Important Documents for Your Freelance Business"
From Adobe Blog, September 21, 2021, this guide is intended to serve as a go-to resource for freelance business owners who may be struggling with organizing their important documents such as certifications, licenses, and more.

Institute for Independent Journalists
IIJ is an education, professional development and mutual support organization for independent journalists, focusing on Black, Indigenous and people of color. Check out their resources and Fall 2023/Winter 2024 webinar series, featuring panels on health and science journalism, business and personal finance, sustaining your long-form journalism career, travel and lifestyle writing and more. Webinars are free and all are welcome to attend.


"Journalism Isn't Who You Are. It's What You Do."
Brighten your day with this Poynter piece by Wudan Yan, December 3, 2021.   

For folks who create or work with content, or who are non-creative professionals working in a content/creative industry — editors, writers, television producers, graphic designers, book publishers, people in production, and circulation departments, this "traveling press club" offers opportunities (both online and offline) for you to get to know each other, share resources, find job opportunities and interesting projects, improve career skills, and showcase your work. Bonus: they hold workshops and happy hours for freelancers all over the country!

Media Outlets That Publish Science (and Environment) Stories
SEJ member Robin Lloyd compiles and updates this comprehensive 37-page list. You can use and share it for free. Includes science, environment, health, climate, nature and tech media. Mainly U.S. and Canada, English-language; some Latin America. Scroll toward the bottom for additional resources, indemnity information, source-finding resources and more.

National Writers Union
Offers a lot of diverse material even to non-members, including:

  • Writer Alerts
  • Book Authors Page, with advice on copyright, electronic rights, and royalties.
  • Journalists Page, with tips on standard journalism contracts, copyright, "kill fees," all-rights contracts, work-for-hire, and "indemnification" clauses. Also offers a contract-advice network, help with negotiations and tips on the sale of electronic rights.
  • Grievances Page
  • Contract Advice
  • Rights for Creators Campaign
  • National Writers Union Freelance Writers' Guide

Members-only services include:

  • Organizing and Education
  • Grievance Resolution
  • Contract Advice
  • Job Hotline
  • Health Insurance
  • Press Pass
  • Networking
  • Authors Network
  • Media Rates Database

Online Portfolio: How to Setup & What to Include
This website guides you through how to create an online portfolio that stands out and showcases your work, using either Wordpress or Wix.

Poynter Institute
Offers information here on training and events; great one-stop shops for writing and reporting tips; News University, 100+ interactive journalism courses.

The Reporters Committee, Microsoft Corp., the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Davis Wright Tremaine are teaming up to expand a program to provide local journalists no-cost legal help with pre-publication review and public records access. The expansion of the Protecting Journalists Pro Bono Program (ProJourn) follows a successful pilot phase and landscape study demonstrating the critical need for increased legal support for local journalism, as well as a $1.3 million investment from the Knight Foundation. Read the Oct 3, 2022 RCFP release. If you wish to request pro bono legal assistance under this program, fill out this form.

SEJ's Freelance Files
This quarterly SEJournal column for and by environmental journalism freelancers features a rotating cast of writers sharing hard-earned wisdom about myriad aspects of weaving a life and business out of their independent status.

SEJ's Jobs Page
A collection of Internet sites listing job openings in journalism. Some may include environmental journalism jobs. See also SEJ's Job Board.

SEJ's Mentor Program
We pair veteran environmental reporters with newcomers to the beat, or with less experienced reporters who want to improve their skills. We also accept applications from university-level students who have demonstrated an interest in environmental journalism, although our program is primarily designed to benefit "mentees" who are already working as professionals. SEJ members only. Join SEJ.

Study Hall
"A media newsletter & online support network for media workers." Multiple subscription options available, including a tier for media workers of color.

Wave Invoicing Software
Wave Financial offers "free forever" customizable freelancer invoice templates in Word, Excel, PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets with associated accounting features including credit card processing and payroll services.

Worldwide Freelance
Offers a free newsletter, markets database, writing software, links as well as additional perks for members.

Writers-Editors Network
Four levels of membership with paid job postings, market information, access to a media attorney, marketing tips, business-building strategies, and valuable networking help.

The Writers' Co-op
Launched in 2020, this business podcast is for freelance writers everywhere. It's hosted by SEJ member Wudan Yan and freelancer Jenni Gritters. Hear about finding clients, diversifying income streams, saying no, taking care of your mental health, negotiating contracts, getting paid on time, collecting late fees (updated January 2024) and more. Apple Podcasts. Spotify.
For newer freelancers, this writing ezine offers a free weekly newsletter, a books and courses list, articles, warnings, information on markets, and more.

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COVID-19 Resources:

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