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Fungi and MIC Management
A one-day seminar in Houston, Texas, presented by NACE Internation (National Association of Corrosion Engineers), Fungi and MIC Management will feature thought leaders from the energy sector, coatings, chemical applications, scientists, and more who will share insights into fungi corrosion management, the use of protective coatings in MIC mitigation and prevention methods, and Molecular Microbiological Methods (MMM): actionable data for MIC diagnosis and mitigation.
MIC is corrosion affected by the presence or activity of microorganisms in biofilms on the surface of the corroding material -- an issue that threatens assets in many industries, including oil and gas, water and wastewater, and maritime. This MIC seminar brings awareness and appreciation for fungal degradation, which is very prevalent in atmospheric conditions as well as systems that have hydrocarbons. Learn current approaches to MIC, causes and mitigation techniques in industry, how to identify if you have a fungal issue and understanding the basic remedies, and how to interpret and apply MMM results to reduce costs.
When: April 16, 2019, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Featured Speakers:
Wendy Goodson, US Air Force Research Laboratory
Jason Lee, US Naval Research Laboratory
Bradley Stevenson, University of Oklahoma
Kamil Khanipov/George Goloko, Industrial Metagenomics
Michael Adams, Tuboscope/NOV Wellborne Technologies
Nora Eibergen, Dow Chemical
Dora Taggart, Microbial Insights, Inc.