Time and Project Management for Freelancers With The Writers' Co-op

Event Date: 
September 26, 2023

Companies often hire a project manager to bring a single project from beginning to close. But when you’re a business of one - you’re not only doing the creative work, but you’re also likely managing multiple projects.

In this one-hour (3:00-4:00 p.m. ET) webinar, The Writers’ Co-op will dive into strategies for time and project management as a business of one. This webinar will also specifically talk about managing your workflow as a freelancer when you are neurodivergent.

We will talk about the high- and low-tech ways to manage different projects; how to fit non-billable work into your work week; and about the tools – software, outsourcing, beyond.

The goal of this webinar is to help you better understand ways to improve your workflow as a freelancer. You’ll walk away with a slew of options, so you can pick and choose the ones that resonate with you.

Details and registration.


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