
UN Tells Canada To Suspend Site C Dam Work Over Indigenous Rights

"In a rare rebuke, the United Nations has instructed Canada to suspend construction of the Site C dam on B.C.’s Peace River until the project obtains the “free, prior and informed consent” of Indigenous peoples."

Source: The Narwhal, 01/10/2019

Grand Forks Residents Prep For Winter In Sheds, RVs After Flooding

"Six months after flood waters swept through this small B.C. city, at least 28 downtown businesses are still closed. Many locals and forestry experts are blaming rampant clearcutting for reducing nature's ability to protect residents from the hell of high waters, but the province insists all is well in the forests of southern British Columbia".

Source: The Narwhal, 11/27/2018

Bear Stories Should Go Beyond Bare Facts

Bears, particularly the plentiful black bears that are the source of much human-bear conflict, can serve as a opening to larger environmental stories, such as habitat destruction and the challenges of the “wildland-urban interface.” This week’s TipSheet has some of the good news/bad news on bears, with story ideas and resources for your reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Will Hackers Crash U.S. Energy, Environment Infrastructure?

The vulnerability of critical U.S. infrastructure to cyberattacks has been a growing worry for years, as electric utilities, drinking water systems, chemical plants, nuclear plants, pipelines and more are the target of a burgeoning cadre of hackers. But for environmental and other journalists focused on the story, another problem has emerged: The secrecy that has long been part of the U.S. cybersecurity policy. In this comprehensive Backgrounder, SEJournal takes a look at the risk, the response and the resources to let reporters go deep on cyber warfare as an energy and environment story.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 12, 2025 to June 13, 2025

Science Writers and Communicators of Canada Annual Conference

The 2025 annual conference of the Science Writers & Communicators of Canada (SWCC; previously the Canadian Science Writers' Association), will take place June 12-13, 2025 at the Wu Conference Centre on the University of New Brunswick Campus.

Topics on the Beat: 

SEJ Weighs in on Khashoggi, Parks Canada; Plus, Zinke Calendar & Data Resources

The Society of Environmental Journalists has joined several dozen other journalism groups calling for the investigation into the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and separately, urged Parks Canada to stop imposing reporting barriers for journalists. That, plus black holes in the calendar for Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke, and new data resources for reporters. All in the latest WatchDog Tipsheet.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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