"ENVIRONMENT-MEXICO: Green Areas to the Highest Bidder"
"Activists in Mexico complain that the deforestation threatening the environmental health of Mexico has been accentuated by the granting of public areas to private companies."
"Activists in Mexico complain that the deforestation threatening the environmental health of Mexico has been accentuated by the granting of public areas to private companies."
A Univ. of Florida researcher has found that endocrine-disrupting agricultural pesticides have harmed the health of Yaqui people in Mexico. Among the effects: girls developing breasts that lack mammary tissue needed to produce milk.
"Capping a decade-long battle, private companies in Mexico have begun the first legal plantings of genetically modified corn, the Agriculture Department said Wednesday."
"The ancient waterways upon which the Aztec Empire was built are now a fraction of their former glory. ... Hidden underneath the murky water, sharing space with discarded soda cans and empty potato-chip bags, an ageless 'water monster' called the axolotl, a central figure in Aztec legend and a protein-rich part of the diet then, is also vanishing."
"DALLAS -- A southeast Texas industrial plant is scrapping plans to import and incinerate 20,000 tons of hazardous materials from Mexico, the facility's general manager said Wednesday."
"As scientists race the clock to increase food production worldwide, new trials to plant genetically-modified maize have stoked anger in Mexico, the cradle of corn."
The North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (NAPRTR) Consultative Group, under the auspices of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, will meet November 10-11, 2009, in Guadalajara, Mexico to review the programs of the 3 countries.
"Mexico has deployed its navy to several beaches in the Pacific Coast state of Oaxaca. Its mission isn't to fight the drug cartels or protect European tourists, but to guard the nesting grounds of an endangered sea turtle."