
Projects in 12 States Share Wildfire Funding

$15 million of Stimulus funding for 55 projects, designed to help reduce wildfire hazards and reclaim burned lands, could be of substantial interest in the receiving communities.
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New Trails Are in 13 States

Twenty-two new National Recreational Trails, covering more than 525 miles, provide a good opportunity to cover outdoor recreation topics.
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Cumulative Ocean Impacts Mapped Off U.S. and Mexican Shores

Researchers from California and Hawaii have analyzed 25 factors and developed a map that reflects the relative cumulative magnitude of their effects on the waters extending for about 250-350 miles off the shores of Washington, Oregon, California, and the Baja Peninsula.
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July 20, 2009 to July 24, 2009

3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration

Highlighted large scale ecosystem restorations will include the Chesapeake Bay, Coastal Louisiana, Everglades, Great Lakes, Lower Colorado, Columbia, Snake, Mississippi and Missouri River Basins, Puget Sound, and San Francisco Bay and Delta.
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"Rising Calls to Regulate California Groundwater"

Some California farmers are depleting the groundwater beneath their land faster than nature can recharge it -- and climate change is likely to make things worse. While farmers resist regulating groundwater use, critics argue that not doing it "could prove catastrophic to the state’s real estate sector and its $36 billion agricultural economy."
Source: NYTimes, 05/14/2009


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