Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

Draining a Different Kind of Swamp

As the Trump administration last week began its rollback of the Clean Water Rule, reporters are likely to see many more stories about wetlands permitting — especially on the local level. The latest TipSheet walks you through the Section 404 permitting maze and helps you find out what's happening in your locale and state.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 3, 2025

DEADLINE: Columbia Energy Journalism Fellows Program

The Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy's 2025 program takes place in NYC, Jun 10-13. Free to journalists — learn about the intersecting disciplines shaping the global energy sector, including finance and markets, climate change, science and technology, policy and geopolitics. Apply by Mar 3.


Coal Leasing on Federal Lands

While resurrecting the declining U.S. coal industry, as promised by the new administration, is probably not possible, it may not stop a lifting of the moratorium on coal leasing on federal lands. TipSheet looks at how the issue moved front and center, and whether the move would help coal country.

SEJ Publication Types: 
February 4, 2017

The Trump Administration and the Environment: A Reporter’s Primer

This mini-conference, sponsored by SEJ and New York University-DC, includes speakers Myron Ebell, the head of the Trump transition team for EPA; Scott Segal, a fossil fuels industry attorney for Bracewell; Bob Perciasepe, Center for Climate & Energy Solutions and former Obama and Clinton EPA appointee; and more, plus a panel of reporters who have covered Donald Trump and his appointees to head EPA and the Department of Energy. RSVP required. Can't be there in person? The event will be livestreamed (and archived).

Topics on the Beat: 

Journalists' Guide to Energy & Environment 2017

Feb 3, 2017 3 - 5 p.m. ET   #SEJ2017     The Society of Environmental Journalists launched SEJ's new report, "Journalists' Guide to Energy and Environment 2017," at the Woodrow Wilson Center introduced by SEJ Board President and Climate Central Senior Science Writer Bobby Magill (pictured). The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with leading reporters and editors, a reception and exhibit opening of the exhibit, "Climate Change in Our World," featuring the photography of SEJ member Gary Braasch.



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