Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

February 11, 2016

The Year Ahead in Energy and the Environment: Stories to Watch in 2016

As the Paris climate agreement rolls out and the U.S. presidential race speeds up, this will be a banner year for environment and energy news. Join the Society of Environmental Journalists and the Wilson Center's Environmental Change and Security Program for the fourth annual “Year Ahead in Environment and Energy” event in Washington, DC, where leading reporters and editors will discuss the critical issues that will shape 2016.


As Decision Nears, Opposition Builds To Atlantic Offshore Drilling

"When then-Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) first pushed the idea in 2010, it was easy to find Virginians who favored oil and gas drilling along the Virginia coast, even in this tourism-dependent city of 450,000. The Virginia Beach City Council voted 8 to 3 that year in support of the giant offshore rigs, betting, along with the mayor, that 'there’s going to be money made.'"

Source: Wash Post, 12/22/2015

J-Groups Meet with WH Press Secretary, Seek More Openness

Representatives of a coalition of 53 journalism groups met December 15, 2015, with White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. The groups, including SEJ and Society of Professional Journalists, have complained about agency press offices obstructing reporters' access to officials and information.

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"A Proposed Luxury Resort Where Eagles Soar Stirs Anger"

"Twice a year, bald eagles from as far north as Canada and as far south as Florida flock by the thousands to a stretch of the Rappahannock River in Virginia for an all-you-can-eat buffet. They perch in trees atop pale cliffs rising along this river to the Chesapeake Bay and dive bomb the waters for shad, catfish, stripers and even waterfowl."

Source: AP, 12/01/2015
December 1, 2015

DEADLINE: Reuters Global Journalism Summer Internship

Reuters offers students and graduates with a strong background in journalism a paid opportunity to learn at the world's largest international multimedia news provider. Available in NY and Washington bureaus, as well as Toronto, Mexico City, Sao Paulo and more. Apply by Dec 1.

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