Mountain West (CO ID MT NV UT WY)

"The Southwest's Forests May Never Recover From Megafires"

"If you doubt that climate change is transforming the American landscape, go to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sweltering temperatures there have broken records this summer, and a seemingly permanent orange haze of smoke hangs in the air from multiple wildfires."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/10/2013

Colorado Doctors Assured They Can Share Fracking Info To Help Patients

"Colorado oil and gas industry regulators have given medical community leaders a written assurance that doctors can obtain and share trade-secret information about fracking chemicals for the purpose of treating patients and protecting public health."

Source: Denver Post, 07/01/2013

Libby, Montana Asbestos Study Delayed Because Of EPA: Investigators

"BILLINGS, Mont. -- Internal investigators faulted the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday for years of delays in completing health studies needed to guide the cleanup of a Montana mining town where hundreds of people have died from asbestos exposure."

Source: AP, 04/19/2013


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