Muscogee Lands In Georgia Would Become A National Park Under Bills
"Georgia’s congressional delegation introduced legislation Wednesday to protect some of the ancestral lands of the Muscogee tribe as a national park and preserve."
"Georgia’s congressional delegation introduced legislation Wednesday to protect some of the ancestral lands of the Muscogee tribe as a national park and preserve."
"Florida gave up $3 million in federal grant funding and as much as $500 million more by declining to participate in a Biden administration program aimed at helping states address the human-caused emissions warming the global climate."
"Thanks to a federal judge, residents of Jackson will have a say in how the city resolves its yearslong water crisis."
"Following the death of a grandfather, Crimson Oak Grove Resources has left a community afraid for their homes and lives. An expert warns one resident may need to evacuate her home while she still can."
"The Environmental Protection Agency may have wasted or risked millions of dollars by failing to prevent the spread of contamination hazardous to human health at a Superfund site in Pensacola, Florida, an agency watchdog report found."
"A recent scientific expedition to the Gulf of Mexico seafloor shows just how little things have improved near the broken well."
"Louisiana State University allowed Shell to influence studies after a $25m donation and sought funds from other fossil fuel firms".
Laws that make undercover journalistic investigations of animal agriculture operations illegal violate the First Amendment, right? Not so clear, laments WatchDog Opinion, which points out that while the Supreme Court appeared to have struck down such laws just last year, it may now revisit the issue. Why it should matter not just to environmental reporters but to all journalists.
"Despite years of air monitoring, inspections and millions in penalties for petrochemical plants, the air in Calvert City, Kentucky, remains polluted. The EPA’s inability to fix it is an indictment of the laws governing clean air, experts say."
"Screechy, gangly bird gorges on invasive apple snails, helping wetlands and crawfish farms".