
Jury Finds Monsanto’s Roundup Likely Cause Of Cancer In 2nd Bay Area Man

"A jury in the first federal court trial of thousands of lawsuits by cancer victims against the manufacturer of the world’s most widely used herbicide found Tuesday that Monsanto’s Roundup was a likely cause of a Sonoma County man’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 03/20/2019
May 1, 2019

DEADLINE: Murray Fromson Journalism Fellowship

The 2019 Fromson Journalism Fellowship, May 31-Jun 7 in Israel, is for journalists who cover environment, renewable energy, water research and innovation. Theme is "AgTech in the Negev". Applications are due by May 1; however, selections will be made on an ongoing basis up to the deadline.


Can States Divvy Up the Shrinking Colorado River Water Supply?

The vast Colorado River, recently in the news over a troubled drought deal, is at the heart of numerous environmental problems in the American West, where water is scarce and the legal complexities of water rights voluminous. The latest Issue Backgrounder offers an explainer on the story, which involves at least seven states, the federal government, Native American tribes, a hornet’s nest of irrigation districts and even Mexico.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 23, 2019

Energy, Salmon, Agriculture & Community: Can We Come Together?

The Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University is convening this one-day event to support current discussions with leaders and groups from Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho regarding a long-term plan to address energy, salmon, water, agriculture, and community needs.



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