
Potentially Explosive Fertilizer Could Be Found in Your Community

Ammonium nitrate, the explosive agricultural fertilizer that blew up in Lebanon this month,  killing dozens and severely damaging Beirut’s center, is stored by the thousands of tons all over the United States. But regulatory blindspots and secretive information policies mean few know exactly where. Backgrounder reviews the chemical’s oversight regime — and its gaps — and has ideas for reporting from your community.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Source: Michigan Reaches $600M Deal In Flint Water Crisis"

"Michigan will pay $600 million to compensate Flint residents whose health was damaged by lead-tainted drinking water after the city heeded state regulators’ advice not to treat it properly, an attorney involved in the negotiations told The Associated Press on Wednesday."

Source: AP, 08/21/2020

"Public Health: 'Sluggish' Agency Slow To Act On Toxic Baby Products"

"Often described as "nonstick" chemicals, the presence of PFAS in kitchenware has become more widely known as environmental groups have raised alarms about their toxicity. One place consumers might not expect to find the highly toxic class of substances? Baby products."

Source: E&E News, 08/06/2020


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