
Groups' Efforts for Disclosure of Pesticide "Inerts" Grinds On

Whether pesticides harm the birds and bees — or human health — matters a lot. One of the public's protections is the requirement for disclosure in the nation's pesticide laws. Three groups, represented by Earthjustice, argue that EPA has authority under current federal pesticide law to require disclosure of inert ingredients.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Herbicide Scrutiny Mounts as Resistant Weeds Spread in U.S."

"Concerns about the world's most popular herbicide continue to mount, as U.S. agricultural experts note spreading weed resistance to glyphosate. As the key ingredient in Monsanto Co's Roundup herbicide products as well as about 700 other products, glyphosate is widely used on farms as well as residential lawns."

Source: Reuters, 09/23/2015

"Asian Vultures Get Good News Ahead of International Vulture Day"

"India has taken one more step to save its three critically endangered vulture species from extinction. Last week the country finally banned large doses of diclofenac, a painkiller that is often given to cattle and buffalo but which kills any vultures that eat the carcasses of treated animals."

Source: Scientific American, 09/08/2015

"Washington State Sues U.S. Over Toxic Vapors at Nuclear Waste Site"

"The U.S. government has failed to adequately safeguard crews involved in the decades-long cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state, leaving workers sickened by exposure to toxic vapors, the state said in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 09/03/2015


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