
"New Hampshire Town Polluted With PFAS Has Elevated Cancer Rates"

"Residents of a New Hampshire town where drinking water was contaminated with the industrial compounds known as PFAS have elevated rates of several cancers compared to the national average and compared to several nearby communities that were not contaminated with the chemicals, according to a study published today in the journal Environmental Health Insights."

Source: The Intercept, 02/21/2022

EPA Shrugs After HuffPost Investigates Toxic Gulf Chemical Dump

"After a HuffPost investigation last year brought to light a vast, decades-old chemical dumping ground in the Gulf of Mexico, the Environmental Protection Agency has officially declared that the site is nothing to worry about ― without reviewing any recent scientific data or visiting the site."

Source: HuffPost, 02/16/2022

"Alberta To Toughen Oil Sands Emission Rules That Reward Big Polluters

"The province of Alberta will toughen its greenhouse gas emissions standards for oil sands mines, closing a loophole that rewarded some of Canada’s highest-emitting facilities with millions of dollars’ worth of tradeable credits, its environment ministry told Reuters."

Source: Reuters, 02/15/2022


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