
Reporters Reveal ‘Decades of Deceit’ Over Underground Water Contamination

A trove of confidential documents about a well-known groundwater pollution problem helped journalists Paul LaRocco and David M. Schwartz uncover how much had actually been hidden about the contamination’s severity and how it could have been kept from worsening. In the latest Inside Story Q&A, LaRocco and Schwartz share the story behind their award-winning investigation.

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Scientists Say Worse Extreme Weather Disasters Than 2021's Lie Ahead

"Scores of studies presented this week at the world’s largest climate science conference offered an unequivocal and unsettling message: Climate change is fundamentally altering what kind of weather is possible, and its fingerprint can be found in the rising number of disasters that have claimed lives and upended livelihoods around the world."

Source: Washington Post, 12/20/2021

Climate an ‘Emerging Threat’ to U.S. Financial Stability: Regulators

"Federal regulators warned for the first time in an annual report to Congress on Friday that climate change was an “emerging threat” to the U.S. financial system, laying out how the costs associated with more hurricanes, wildfires and floods caused by global warming could lead to a cascade of damage throughout the economy."

Source: NYTimes, 12/20/2021


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