
Climate Change Toolkit: Latest Headlines, TipSheets, Backgrounders & More

To help better cover climate change news, including during the upcoming United Nations Climate Action Summit, Sept. 23, in New York, the SEJournal offers a range of resources. Get the latest climate change headlines and EJToday's curated climate coverage. Check out our range of climate-related Issue Backgrounders, TipSheets and Reporter's Toolboxes, plus our Climate Change Guide and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Algae — Society’s Big, Green … and Emerging Menace

It’s poisoning fresh waters across the United States, as well as elsewhere in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Blue-green algae is on the rise, lingering later and later into the year. Our new Issue Backgrounder explains the contributing factors behind the potent toxin’s scourge, its societal and public health ramifications, and the many angles and resources to tell the story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

“Trade Secret” Chemicals Injected Nearly 11,000 Times at Ohio Frack Wells

"A new analysis by the nonprofit, Partnership for Policy Integrity finds that “trade secret” chemicals were injected into gas and oil wells nearly 11-thousand times in Ohio for over five years."

Source: Allegheny Front, 09/16/2019

"Extreme Weather Displaced a Record 7 Million in First Half of 2019"

"Extreme weather events displaced a record seven million people from their homes during the first six months of this year, a figure that put 2019 on pace to be one of the most disastrous years in almost two decades even before Hurricane Dorian battered the Bahamas."

Source: NY Times, 09/13/2019

Trump Pushed Staff To Contradict Accurate NOAA Tweet On Dorian Track

 "President Trump told his staff that the nation’s leading weather forecasting agency needed to correct a statement that contradicted a tweet the president had sent wrongly claiming that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama, senior administration officials said."

Source: Washington Post, 09/12/2019

FEMA Officials Charged With Fraud Tied To Hurricane Aid In Puerto Rico

"Two FEMA officials assigned to help manage restoration efforts in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria have been charged with fraud and bribery for trying to enrich themselves by helping a company that received $1.8 billion in government contracts, the Justice Department announced Tuesday."

Source: Washington Post, 09/11/2019


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