Energy & Fuel

Conservative Court To Consider Upcoming Environment Cases

Amy Coney Barrett’s swearing-in as associate justice this week brings a solidifying conservative majority to the Supreme Court. That likely means environmental issues coming before the justices will face new legal tests. The latest TipSheet explores four prominent cases coming to the high court this term that will help shed light on its evolving views on climate, water and public information.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"North Dakota Seeks To Repurpose Coronavirus Aid For Fracking"

"North Dakota officials say they want to repurpose $16 million in federal coronavirus aid and spend it on grants to encourage fracking instead of using it to clean up abandoned oil well sites."

Source: AP, 10/23/2020

Debate: Biden Says U.S. Needs To Move Off Oil To Tackle Climate Change

"President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden laid out starkly different visions Thursday night on whether the United States needs to transition away from fossil fuels to address climate change, in the lengthiest exchange two presidential candidates have ever had on the topic."

Source: Washington Post, 10/23/2020

"Amy Coney Barrett Won’t Discuss Ties To Country’s Biggest Oil Lobby"

"Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett repeatedly dodged questions about the scientific reality of climate change during her Senate confirmation hearing last week, and questions asked away from live cameras offered little more clarity."

Source: HuffPost, 10/22/2020


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