Energy & Fuel

Air Board Kills Regs on Dangerous Refinery Acid, Favors Industry Plan

"Air quality regulators on Friday killed a years-long push for stronger regulation of a dangerous acid used at two South Bay refineries that has frightened many neighbors, voting instead to accept a voluntary, oil industry pledge to enhance safety measures."

Source: LA Times, 09/09/2019

Plastics Industry Emits 1/4 Of Houston Industrial Air Pollution: Report

"The plastics industry is responsible for nearly a fourth of the industrial air pollution in the Houston area, a share that is expected to rise as the number of new plants and expansions doubles in the next few years, a new study found."

Source: Houston Chronicle, 09/06/2019

Biden Says He ‘Didn’t Realize’ Fundraiser’s Ties To Fossil Fuel Company

"Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said at CNN’s marathon forum on climate change Wednesday night that he was unaware that a fundraiser he’s slated to attend on Thursday is being co-hosted by a founder of a fossil fuel company."

Source: HuffPost, 09/05/2019

"Departed Interior Official Led Alaska Mining Road Review"

"A former Interior Department official who abruptly resigned last month personally expedited environmental review for a 211-mile private road project across federal land that would open up a vast new copper, gold and precious metals mining district near a national park in northern Alaska, according to a company seeking to mine there."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/05/2019

“Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy”

The new book, “Superpower: One Man’s Quest to Transform American Energy,” takes what our reviewer calls an illuminating look into the politics and economics of energy development. The volume examines the decade-long effort to build long-distance transmission lines for wind-generated electricity. More in our latest BookShelf review.

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