Energy & Fuel

"Nearly Half of Senate Challenges Obama Carbon Rules"

"Nearly half of the U.S. Senate supports a resolution to challenge the Obama administration's regulation cutting carbon emissions from power plants, the core of the United States' broader climate change strategy, sponsors of the measure said on Tuesday." President Obama will veto the measure, which lacks votes for an override.

Source: Reuters, 10/28/2015

Between the Lines: Iconic Author, Former Farmer, Plants Seeds for a ‘More Attractive’ World

In this "Between the Lines" excerpt from the latest issue of SEJournal, book editor Tom Henry interviews Earth Policy Institute's Lester Brown, recipient of 25 honorary degrees and author of 54 books (although, amazingly, he never learned to type).

SEJ Publication Types: 

ExxonMobil Targets Journalists, Activists After Climate Change Probe

"After an investigation found that ExxonMobil has been funding climate-denying organizations — despite the findings of its own scientists on climate change—the world’s fourth-largest oil company is now going after the journalists who revealed it."

Source: Motherboard, 10/26/2015
October 30, 2015

Making Invisible Fracking Air Pollution Visible

Reporters may find useful an Oct 30 webinar hosted by Earthworks on the FLIR camera, used by regulators to detect air pollution "leaks" from fracking-related facilities. Learn about how these infrared cameras work, the pollution they show and how to bring one to your community; the EPA's proposed rule to cut this pollution and where it needs strengthening; and more.


"Pulp Fiction: Warming the Planet"

"As the world tries to shift away from fossil fuels, the energy industry is turning to what seems to be an endless supply of renewable energy: wood. In England and across Europe, wood has become the renewable of choice, with forests — many of them in the U.S. — being razed to help feed surging demand. But as this five-month Climate Central investigation reveals, renewable energy doesn’t necessarily mean clean energy. Burning trees as fuel in power plants is heating the atmosphere more quickly than coal."

Source: Climate Central, 10/22/2015


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