"Feds To Auction 41M Acres of Gulf of Mexico Drilling Rights"
"The Interior Department is planning a March auction to sell the oil and gas drilling rights to 41.2 million acres in the central Gulf of Mexico."
"The Interior Department is planning a March auction to sell the oil and gas drilling rights to 41.2 million acres in the central Gulf of Mexico."
"HOUSTON -- It was DuPont's third deadly U.S. accident in five years and the deadliest of them all. On November 15th, a chemical leak in LaPorte took the lives of four workers, including two brothers."
"Wastewater is arguably worse for the environment than oil, killing vegetation and leaving farmland sterile for generations. Some say the state isn't doing enough to get its spill problem controlled."
"Regulators in California, the country's third-largest oil-producing state, have authorized oil companies to inject production fluids and waste into what are now federally protected aquifers more than 2,500 times, risking contamination of underground water supplies that could be used for drinking water or irrigation, state records show."
"WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will help Fresno, Calif., plan a bike-share system to improve air quality and offer an inexpensive method of transportation as part of the Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities program."
"Achuar tribe demands compensation from Argentine energy company Pluspetrol for pollution on their ancestral land."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is moving forward with a new rule that will limit the amount of pollution from household wood heaters."
"When you read headlines about how Congress is rife with climate change deniers and willing to vote in favor of a massive oil pipeline that could increase greenhouse gas emissions, it's easy to get discouraged about the direction the US is headed on global warming. But when you look at some of the hard numbers about how Americans are getting their energy, there's actually a lot to be excited about."
"After a massive coal ash spill coated the Dan River in North Carolina with 70 miles of toxic gunk a year ago, state lawmakers required coal ash stored at four Duke Energy plants in North Carolina to be moved to safer locations."
"President Obama is taking aim at roughly $50 billion in tax breaks for the oil, natural gas and coal industries. "