Energy & Fuel

NYT Energy Special Section: "Fuel to Burn: Now What?"

"The reversal of fortune in America’s energy supplies in recent years holds the promise of abundant and cheaper fuel, and it could have profound effects on what people drive, domestic manufacturing and America’s foreign policy.

Cheaper fuel produced domestically could reduce the cost of shipping and manufacturing, trim heating and cooling bills, improve the auto market and provide tens of thousands of new jobs.

Source: NY Times, 04/11/2012
April 25, 2012

A Coherent Energy Policy or Bust?

In this Environmental Law Institute seminar (in Washington, DC, and via teleconference), Michael Graetz, author of The End of Energy, and four other distinguished panelists will discuss issues related to an implemented, comprehensive energy policy.

April 18, 2012

Hydraulic Fracturing Risks and Opportunities

Winston & Strawn and Environmental Law Institute will co-host this seminar in Winston's New York office and via teleconference. The program will focus on both the environmental risks and the energy opportunities that result from the use of fracking to extract oil and gas, as well as the diverse perspectives and responses from the government, public interest, industry, and investment sectors to these risks and opportunities.


"Northern Pennsylvania Gas Explosion Was Out of Regulatory Reach"

"Houses trembled a half mile away when a natural gas explosion rattled a compressor station near Springville, a hotbed of Marcellus Shale development in northern Pennsylvania. Just two hours after the March 29 blast, a gas safety inspector from the state Public Utility Commission was on the scene to begin an investigation into possible violations of gas safety rules. But he did not get far."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 04/09/2012


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