Environmental Health

"Climate Change Is Deadly. Exactly How Deadly?"

"Despite the growing danger from climate-driven disasters, there is no single, reliable count of who is dying as a result of extreme weather in the United States. For any given weather disaster, multiple government agencies publish independent — and often widely differing — death counts."

Source: NPR, 06/12/2024

"Watchdog: EPA Not Ready To Alert Public To Lead In Drinking Water"

"More than seven years after Congress mandated that EPA swiftly alert the public to surges in lead contamination in drinking water, EPA’s inspector general has found the agency still isn’t ready to roll out an action plan."

Source: E&E News, 06/12/2024

Higher Levels Of Dangerous Chemical Than Expected In Southeast Louisiana

"Researchers using high-tech air monitoring equipment rolled through an industrialized stretch of southeast Louisiana in mobile labs and found levels of a carcinogen in concentrations as much as 20 times higher than previously estimated, according to a paper published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Science & Technology."

Source: AP, 06/12/2024

"Thousands Across Alabama Live Without Access to Public Water"

"In unincorporated Marion County, around 800 to 900 households—approximately 40 percent of all homes—do not have access to public drinking water, according to government estimates, a figure one water expert called “staggering.”"

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/11/2024

As Summer Nears, 80 NYC Neighborhoods Ranked Highly Vulnerable to Heat

"Outside the steps of her South Bronx apartment, Jill Hanson is thinking about the lack of green spaces as another hot summer descends upon New York City. Her neighborhood, Mott Haven, is among 80 communities considered highly threatened by humidity and high temperatures under a new Heat Vulnerability Index developed by Columbia University and the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/11/2024

Louisville Moves To Clean Up Its ‘Gully of the Drums’ After 45 Years

"City officials are taking their first public step toward cleaning up hazardous waste in a popular park after a local graduate student last year called out a 45-year comedy of errors by federal, state and local agencies that allowed the dumped drums and chemicals to escape remediation."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/11/2024

Water, Chemical Industries Challenge Biden’s PFAS Drinking Water Rule

"Lobby groups representing water utilities, as well as the chemical and manufacturing industries, have filed court challenges to a Biden administration rule that seeks to limit the presence of toxic chemicals in drinking water."

Source: The Hill, 06/11/2024


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