Environmental Justice

Calif. Tribe That Lost 90% Of Land During Gold Rush To Get Redwood Site

"California’s Yurok Tribe, which had 90% of its territory taken from it during the Gold Rush of the mid-1800s, will be getting a slice of its land back to serve as a new gateway to Redwood National and State Parks visited by 1 million people a year."

Source: AP, 03/21/2024

Petrochemicals Are Killing Us, a New Report Warns in Top Medical Journal

"Use of petroleum-based chemicals skyrocketed during the postwar era, most of them entering the market with little concern for safety. Now, mounting evidence links petrochemicals to the rapidly rising prevalence of a slew of chronic and deadly conditions, a review published in the New England Journal of Medicine warned earlier this month."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/21/2024

"Lead In Water A Threat To Two-Thirds Of Young Children In Chicago"

"Two out of three very young children in Chicago were exposed to at least trace amounts of lead in their home tap water, a study found, highlighting the need for City Hall to speed up replacements of brain-damaging lead pipes."

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, 03/21/2024

"FBI Sent Several Informants To Standing Rock Protests, Court Documents Show"

"Up to 10 informants managed by the FBI were embedded in anti-pipeline resistance camps near the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation at the height of mass protests against the Dakota Access pipeline in 2016."

Source: Grist, 03/19/2024

"Navajos Worry Uranium Superfund Addition Is a False EPA Promise"

"Trust is in short supply that the EPA will follow through on promises to clean up uranium mine contamination that has sickened generations of Navajo people, tribal members told agency officials visiting a contaminated mining area on Friday in Arizona."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/18/2024

DOE Conditionally Approves $2.26 Billion Loan For Huge Nevada Lithium Mine

"President Joe Biden’s administration has conditionally agreed to loan more than $2 billion to the company building a controversial lithium mine in Nevada with the largest known U.S. deposit of the metal critical to making batteries for electric vehicles key to his renewable energy agenda."

Source: AP, 03/18/2024

Gulf Petrochemical Buildout Draws Tax Breaks Despite Pollution Violations

"A booming petrochemical buildout on the Gulf Coast has drawn billions of dollars in public subsidies from state tax abatement programs despite regular violations of pollution permits, according to a new report released Thursday."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/15/2024


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