Environmental Justice

Mono Lake Tribe Asserts Water Rights, Urges Halt of Water Diversions to LA

"Against the backdrop of a severe drought linked with global warming, conservation advocates and Native Americans in California are calling for a temporary emergency stop to all surface water diversions from Mono Lake, contending that continuing to drain the watershed, along with the long-term drought, threaten critical ecosystems, as well as the Kootzaduka’a tribe’s cultural connection with the lake."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/16/2023

"U.S. EPA Announces $1 Billion For New Hazardous Waste Cleanups"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday announced 22 new sites that will benefit from $1 billion in funding from a program designed to remediate hazardous waste sites, such as landfills, mines and manufacturing facilities."

Source: Reuters, 02/13/2023

Lawsuit Seeks Medical Testing After Toxic Train Derailment

"Residents who filed a federal lawsuit in the fiery derailment of a train carrying toxic chemicals along the Ohio-Pennsylvania line are seeking to force Norfolk Southern to set up health monitoring for residents in both states."

Source: AP, 02/13/2023

SEJ Panel Gauges Issues in the Works in the U.S. West

As part of our 2023 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment special report, we’ve got highlights from last week’s reporter panel on the year ahead, led by #SEJ2023 conference co-chair Tom Michael (pictured, left). The focus was largely on the U.S. West, where challenges abound over issues like equitable siting of renewable energy infrastructure, regulating natural gas, managing wildfires and addressing the health consequences of climate-driven heat waves. Read our account, plus check out the full 2023 Guide.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 1, 2024

DEADLINE: The Uproot Project Environmental Justice Fellowship

To help underrepresented journalists shed light on undercovered topics, this fellowship will offer funding up to $2,000 to seven journalists to pursue reporting projects (highlighting how the climate crisis and key environmental issues of our time are linked with other forms of inequity) over the course of a year. Deadline: Mar 1, 2024.


"Brazil Pushes Illegal Miners Out Of Yanomami Territory"

"Armed government officials with Brazil’s justice, Indigenous and environment ministries pressed illegal gold miners out of Yanomami Indigenous territory Wednesday, citing widespread river contamination, famine and disease they have brought to one of the most isolated groups in the world."

Source: AP, 02/09/2023


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