Environmental Justice

Collaborative Journalism Project Reveals Inequities in Escaping Climate Change Hazards

When U.S. communities become unlivable due to climate change impacts, can residents count on government relocation assistance — and are those most in need of help actually getting it? Those questions kickstarted a year-long investigation led by three high-powered journalism organizations. Now they’re sharing their reporting resources toolkit and inviting other journalists to widen the coverage with more local stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Waste Pickers Risk Their Lives To Stop Plastic Pollution"

"Globally, waste pickers are responsible for collecting and recovering—from homes, businesses and landfills—up to 60% of all plastics which are then recycled. These workers do more than any other people to prevent plastic contaminating the environment, yet their work is rarely valued and they struggle to earn a decent living."

Source: The Conversation, 12/02/2022

"Denver Gets Go-Ahead From EPA After Progress On Lead Pipes"

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday approved a nearly $700 million plan to remove all lead water pipes in the Denver region, saying the local water utility’s approach for reducing lead levels is succeeding and making swift progress. It’s a recognition that cities can effectively address the lead pipe crisis if they try."

Source: AP, 12/02/2022

Puerto Rican Towns Sue Oil Companies Over Suppression Of Climate Science

"Sixteen Puerto Rico municipalities filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court against major oil companies, alleging companies like ExxonMobil, Shell and Chevron colluded to suppress evidence of climate change that has devastated the island, including 2017’s Hurricane Maria."

Source: The Hill, 12/01/2022

"U. S. to Pay Millions to Move Tribes Threatened by Climate Change"

"The Biden administration will give three Native tribes $75 million to move away from coastal areas or rivers, one of the nation’s largest efforts to date to relocate communities that are facing an urgent threat from climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 12/01/2022

Petition Circulators Lie To Calif. Voters about New Well Ballot Measure

"The canvassers are backed by the oil industry in its quest to stop a new law that bans wells near residential areas and imposes new environmental controls. If petition circulators succeed in gathering enough signatures, the law would be blocked until the 2024 election."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/30/2022

"Air Pollution Linked To Almost A Million Stillbirths A Year"

"Almost a million stillbirths a year can be attributed to air pollution, according to the first global study. The research estimated that almost half of stillbirths could be linked to exposure to pollution particles smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), mostly produced from the burning of fossil fuels."

Source: Guardian, 11/30/2022

"Biden To Honor Tribes With Nevada National Monument, His Biggest Yet"

"Tribes, environmentalists and many local officials support protecting nearly 450,000 acres around Spirit Mountain, but some developers warn it could hamper renewable energy projects".

Source: Washington Post, 11/30/2022


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