Environmental Justice

"Hawaii National Park Gets Land Where Ancient Villages Stood"

"Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island was given new land on Tuesday in a deal that will protect and manage a pristine white sand beach and ocean bay area that is home to endangered and endemic species and to rare, culturally significant Native Hawaiian artifacts."

Source: AP, 07/13/2022

"Science Offers Basis For National Climate Damage Claims - Study"

"A scientific basis exists to calculate how much one country's carbon emissions have damaged the economy of another, a study said on Tuesday of a development it billed as a potential game-changer for climate litigation."

Source: Reuters, 07/13/2022

"NOAA: Breaching Snake River Dams ‘Essential’ To Save Salmon"

"The White House today touted a new analysis from federal scientists that found breaching a series of four dams in Washington state is “paramount” to efforts to restore salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest but stopped short of endorsing the action."

Source: E&E News, 07/13/2022

BP Paid Rural Mexicans a “Pittance” for Carbon Credits

"In the coldest months of the year, thick fog blankets the mountain village of Coatitila in eastern Mexico, hiding the bulging, pine-covered hills that cradle it. At midday, the sun pulls back the fog to expose patches of blight where trees have been axed for logging or farm work."

Source: Bloomberg, 07/08/2022

"US Water Likely Contains More ‘Forever Chemicals’ Than EPA Tests Show"

"A Guardian analysis of water samples from around the United States shows that the type of water testing relied on by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is so limited in scope that it is probably missing significant levels of PFAS pollutants."

Source: Guardian, 07/07/2022


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