Environmental Politics

"Covert Operations" -- Billionaire Brothers Kingpins of Science Denial

Billionaire Brothers David and Charles Koch, who own the petroleum-based Koch Industries, are among the top ten air polluters in the country and stout opponents of environmental regulation. Their empire has vastly outdone ExxonMobil in funding opposition to legislation to control climate change and has been dubbed by Greenpeace a "kingpin of climate science denial."

Source: New Yorker, 08/26/2010

How Oil Regulator's Partnership With Industry Led To Failure

"Two weeks after BP's Macondo well blew out in the Gulf of Mexico, the federal government's Minerals Management Service finalized a regulation intended to control the undersea pressures that threaten deepwater drilling operations. MMS did not write the rule. As it had dozens of times before, the agency adopted language provided by the oil industry's trade group, the American Petroleum Institute, and incorporated it into the Federal Register."

Source: Wash Post, 08/25/2010

Murky Relationships Mark Scientific Efforts to Assess Spill's Impacts

"Lawmakers have criticized BP PLC for attempting to 'muzzle' scientists researching the Gulf of Mexico oil spill with confidentiality agreements and blocking the 'open exchange of scientific data and analysis.' But the government is employing similar tactics itself."

Source: Greenwire, 08/19/2010

"Justice Department Drops Investigation of Delay Ties To Abramoff"

"Former House majority leader Tom DeLay  (R-Tex.) was both defiant and ebullient on Monday after hearing that the Justice Department had dropped its six-year investigation of his interactions with lobbyist Jack Abramoff and a host of other political contributors for whom he allegedly did political favors."

Source: Wash Post, 08/17/2010


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