Environmental Politics

Science Confirms It: Denial Of Climate Change Is All About The Politics

An analysis of dozens of studies suggests that political affiliations, worldviews and values were the most significant predictors of a person’s beliefs about climate change.

"Dozens of surveys and studies have attempted to figure out which factors most heavily influence individuals’ beliefs about climate change and their support for climate-friendly policies. But because there have been so many published recently, scientists argue that it’s been difficult to keep up with the overall trends these studies have been revealing.

Source: Wash Post, 02/24/2016

"Legionnaires’ Outbreak in Flint Was Met With Silence"

Michigan officials still say they cannot conclusively link an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease to Flint’s contaminated water supply, partly because sputum cultures were not collected from patients. But the possibility of a link was raised in internal government emails as early as October 2014, and state officials did not inform the public of the outbreak until last month.

Source: NY Times, 02/23/2016


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