Environmental Politics

"Coal Industry Gears Up for Fight Over Proposed Stream Protection Rule"

"WASHINGTON -- A new government rule that promises to do more to protect streams near coal mining operations entered a critical stage this week, with coal industry lobbyists and environmentalists already lining up for battle."

Source: Medill News Service, 07/30/2015

EPA Crisis Communications Plan: Accurate, Timely, Approved Information

EPA's Plan, approved back on January 15, 2009, mandates giving "understandable, timely, accurate, and consistent information to the public." The plan laudably emphasizes coordination with other agencies — but it also leads to strong message control.

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Sources: EPA Will Ease Deadlines on Climate Rule To Help States Comply

"The Obama administration has decided to give states more time to comply with proposed regulations that will require dramatic cuts in greenhouse-gas pollution from power plants, people familiar with the plans said Tuesday."

Source: Wash Post, 07/29/2015

"Campaign 2016: Clinton Vows To Make U.S. 'Clean Energy Superpower'"

"Hillary Clinton [Sunday and Monday] unveiled the first portion of her presidential campaign's energy agenda, vowing an aggressive expansion of the nation's renewable energy production while taking aim at the Republican primary field over the GOP's widespread skepticism of climate science."

Source: E&E Daily, 07/28/2015

Railroads Won't Disclose Where — and When — 'Bomb Trains' Are Traveling

"The US Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has doubled down on a demand that railroads notify state officials when large shipments of crude oil move through their towns, even as two of the largest rail companies fight in court to keep some of the information hidden from the public."

Source: VICE News, 07/27/2015


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