Environmental Politics

"Should Candidates Discuss Global Warming?"

"Ever since comprehensive legislation to reduce greenhouse gases died in Congress two years ago, my colleague John Broder noted here recently, climate change has been the issue that national politicians seem to avoid at all costs. Supporting renewable energy? Fine. Advocating energy independence? Great. Calling for action on global warming? Not so much."

Source: Green/NYT, 08/17/2012
September 14, 2012 to September 15, 2012

Homburg Academy Summer Institutes International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Real Estate

An inter-disciplinary conference to promote new perspectives and innovation in the urban environment in a global context.


"Chemical Firms Reviewing Flame Retardant Advocacy Efforts"

"Facing criticism from federal and state lawmakers, the world's leading manufacturers of flame retardants say they are reviewing their advocacy efforts, including their involvement with an industry front group that waged a deceptive campaign to fuel demand for the chemicals."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 08/15/2012

"Feds Conclude Probe Of Polar Bear Scientists"

"A federal investigation into two researchers who wrote a famous report on drowned polar bears is finally over, according to their lawyer. But the scientists still haven't been allowed to see a copy of the investigation report or its conclusions, says attorney Jeff Ruch of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility."

Source: NPR, 08/14/2012

"Jerry Brown Global Warming Website Takes On Climate Change Deniers"

"Noting the occasion of the 15th annual Lake Tahoe Summit, a conference examining the environmental and developmental issues affecting the iconic alpine region straddling the California and Nevada borders, California Governor Jerry Brown announced the launch of a website dedicated to combating skeptics of climate change.

Source: Huffington Post, 08/14/2012

"Steel Mill Polluted Town as Romney Firm Profited"

"GEORGETOWN, S.C. -- The rusty stains on Shirley Carter's home are a permanent reminder of her fight with the local steel mill, just down U.S. Highway 17 near the boat docks. No matter how many cans of industrial-strength acid she went through, the red tint on her property never seemed to go away. In 1998, Carter and her neighbors sued Georgetown Steel, then owned by the company Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney co-founded, Bain Capital."

Source: AP, 08/13/2012


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