Fish & Fisheries

What Climate Change Means For America’S $73 Billion Angling Industry

"Inland fish play critical roles in North American ecosystems and economics: In the U.S. alone in 2011, freshwater anglers spent more than $30 billion on their hobby, generating $73 billion in economic output. And fish help keep nature in balance as they feed on aquatic plants and animals and in turn provide sustenance to iconic species such as eagles, bears and osprey."

Source: Ensia, 07/18/2016

"Mass Fish Deaths in Vietnam Highlight Country’s Press Freedom Problem"

"The stink from Vietnam’s fish kill scandal — which left some 70 tons of dead fish scattered across the beaches of four of the country’s provinces and fishermen out of work — is symptomatic of something greater than worries about food security and the environment: access to information and the ability to distribute it."

Source: Huffington Post, 07/04/2016

"BP Oil Spill Cost Fishing Industry At Least $94.7 Million In 2010"

"The BP oil disaster cost the Gulf of Mexico's commercial fishing industry $94.7 million to $1.6 billion and anywhere from 740 to 9,315 jobs in the first eight months, according to a new study by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 06/28/2016


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