Fish & Fisheries

"Ocean Acidification Could Be Creating Friendless Fish"

"Fish seem like chummy enough creatures, often schooling with fish they're familiar with to avoid predators and increase the chances of finding a mate. But as carbon dioxide levels rise worldwide, they could lose their ability to recognize each other, in effect becoming "friendless" wanderers who will hang out with just about anybody."

Source: CityLab, 07/04/2014

"Miners Dredge Protected Idaho River in Protest of Federal Oversight"

"Protesters gathered to illegally dredge for gold on Tuesday in an Idaho river where such mining is banned, in an open challenge to the U.S. government's authority to regulate public waters and lands in Western states, an organizer said."

Source: Reuters, 07/02/2014

"Oil From BP Spill Slowing One of Ocean's Fastest Fish: Scientists"

"'The worry is that if you have reduced swimming performance you're going to be less effective at capturing prey, and less effective in avoiding (predators),' said Martin Grosell, a professor at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science."

Source: Reuters, 06/24/2014


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