Fish & Fisheries

BP To Get Gulf Oil Spill Information Withheld from Public

After complaints from BP, the US government agreed to give the company evidence of the basis for its calculation of the flow rate from the stricken Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico. The government will hand over to BP some 100 documents about the size of the 2010 oil spill that have not yet been made public.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 27, 2012

Fisheries Law Enforcement: Status and Challenges

In this session, part of the Environmental Law Institute's Ocean Seminar Series, panelists will discuss the key challenges facing fisheries law enforcement agencies and the regulated industry, ongoing reform efforts, and what additional actions and solutions may be necessary to ensure that the system maximizes fisheries compliance. RSVP by April 25th.


Integrity Problems at Interior's Science Integrity Program?

One sign of problems came when Interior's Inspector General office launched what seemed to be a ham-handed investigation, later dropped, into activities of the scientist who sounded the alarm on polar bears losing habitat to global warming. Now Interior has fired one of its scientific integrity officers — who is defending himself by saying he was just doing his job.

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"Federal Government Sanctions Limited Sea Lion Killings"

"The states of Oregon and Washington can kill sea lions that have feasted on endangered Columbia River salmon, under an authorization given on Thursday by the federal government.

The decision by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) marked the latest reversal in the federal government's position on sanctioned killing of California sea lions. It upset animal rights advocates, who argue the creatures are unfairly blamed for low fish stocks.

Source: Reuters, 03/16/2012


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