
Sharp Rise In Brazilian Deforestation Undeniable: Sacked Research Chief

"Ricardo Galvao, the sacked head of Brazil’s space research agency, said on Saturday the trend of sharply rising deforestation was undeniable, a day after he was fired following a public spat with President Jair Bolsonaro over data published by the agency."

Source: Reuters, 08/05/2019

"Forest Service To Change Sage Grouse Protections In 5 States"

"Plans for protecting sage grouse in five Western states are being changed in ways that will conserve habitat while allowing ranchers to maintain their livelihoods, federal officials said Thursday. ... Environmental groups blasted the plan based on the Forest Service’s three-bullet-point summary released Thursday ...."

Source: AP, 08/02/2019

"Alaska’s Sweltering Summer Is ‘Basically Off The Charts’"

"Steve Perrins didn’t see the lightning, but he couldn’t miss the smoke that followed. It was around dinnertime on July 23 at Alaska’s oldest hunting lodge, nestled in the wilderness more than 100 miles northwest of Anchorage. What began as a quiet evening at the Rainy Pass Lodge soon turned frantic as Alaska’s latest wildfire spread fast."

Source: Washington Post, 08/01/2019

"Brazil Leader Criticizes Agency Over Deforestation Report"

"Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro again criticized a state agency that monitors the Amazon, saying Sunday that its latest report on increased deforestation damages Brazil’s reputation amid what he says is an “environmental psychosis” overseas about environmental protection in South America’s biggest nation."

Source: AP, 07/23/2019

"Ex-BLM Chiefs Say Interior Is Moving to Transfer Land to States"

"Two former Bureau of Land Management directors say plans to move the agency’s headquarters to Colorado are an early step toward abolishing the entire agency and transferring millions of acres of federal land to the states."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/22/2019


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