Journalism & Media

January 10, 2025

DEADLINE: World Press Photo Contest

Worldwide entries are welcome until Jan 10, 2025, from all professional photographers working in the field of photojournalism and/or documentary photography. €1,000 for each of the winners and an additional €10,000 for the World Press Photo of the Year winner, and more.

Topics on the Beat: 
January 7, 2022

DEADLINE: IJNR Virtual Workshop on the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources will present a virtual workshop, Jan 26-27, 2022, on what GLRI projects mean for the eight U.S. states, two Canadian provinces and more than 30 million people who call the Great Lakes region home. Participating journalists eligible for story grants. Deadline: Jan 7.


Enviros Call For Stronger EPA Action On Falsified Chemical Assessments

"Six environmental organizations on Tuesday called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take more aggressive action in response to reports that an agency office manipulated assessments of chemical safety."

Source: The Hill, 12/16/2021

Report for America: Join the Movement!

Applications Now Open for 150 Journalist Positions


Report for America (RFA) helps local newsrooms report on under-covered issues and communities by sending early-career and mid-to-late-career reporters and photographers to newsrooms throughout the country. As an RFA Corps Member, you’ll be a part of a movement to strengthen communities — and our democracy — through local journalism that is truthful, fair, fearless, and smart.

Topics on the Beat: 

Report for America: Environmental Journalism Job Openings

Report for America recently announced openings for approximately 150 new reporting corps positions to help the national service program continue its growth and further efforts to reverse the collapse of local journalism. The positions include the 10 environmental openings below, offered through a partnership with the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Society of Environmental Journalists.

Topics on the Beat: 
December 17, 2021

2021 Conference on Deep Seabed Mineral Mining

The Renewable Natural Resources Foundation's virtual conference will examine various elements around seabed mining, such as the ecology of the seabed, the possibility of addressing the climate crisis without mining the deep seabed, perspectives and activities of the U.S. State Dept. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. ET.


Coaching ‘Creatives’ — Artist Offers Wisdom to Journalists

The struggle to juggle numerous pitches and simultaneous stories, or even to decide if a story will actually work, is a familiar one to most journalists, especially freelancers. So SEJournal’s Christine Woodside sought out advice on surviving this rough-and-tumble from Jessica Abel, author of “Growing Gills” and “Out on the Wire.” Tips, tricks and insights in the new Freelance Files.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Challenging Another Year of Oil Company Promises

When disinformation pollutes the debate over the environment and climate change, it’s on journalists to recognize industry PR spin and push back against misleading narratives and false narratives, argues the latest WatchDog Opinion column. A look at the industry “playbook” to delay government action, at deceptive language on energy and news media’s obligation to approach the endless pledges skeptically.

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