Journalism & Media

“Trade Secret” Chemicals Injected Nearly 11,000 Times at Ohio Frack Wells

"A new analysis by the nonprofit, Partnership for Policy Integrity finds that “trade secret” chemicals were injected into gas and oil wells nearly 11-thousand times in Ohio for over five years."

Source: Allegheny Front, 09/16/2019
October 31, 2019

DEADLINE: RCFP Local Legal Initiative

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press will provide direct legal services to help local journalists and news organizations defend their rights to gather and report the news, gain access to public records and court proceedings, and more. Submit your proposal by Oct 31, 2019.


Trump Pushed Staff To Contradict Accurate NOAA Tweet On Dorian Track

 "President Trump told his staff that the nation’s leading weather forecasting agency needed to correct a statement that contradicted a tweet the president had sent wrongly claiming that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama, senior administration officials said."

Source: Washington Post, 09/12/2019

30th Anniversary Prompts Big-Picture Look at SEJ’s Future

A Colorado homecoming for SEJ, plus a transition ahead, per the latest report from SEJ President Bobby Magill. His quarterly update also looks at preparations for a major strategic planning initiative, challenges and changes for the upcoming board elections. More on what’s in store for SEJ as it turns 30.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Who Wins in Latest Expansion of Fishing, Hunting at National Refuges, Fisheries?

A new rule expands hunting and fishing in National Wildlife Refuges and fish hatcheries, and that means potential impacts on critically important public policy around fish and wildlife conservation. The latest TipSheet offers up story ideas and resources for local coverage of the story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Activists Claim Win Against Chinese Chemical Plant In Louisiana

"Louisiana activists battling a polluting chemical and plastics industry are claiming a victory in a community just outside Reserve, where the Guardian has investigated high cancer rates and toxic emissions from a nearby factory."

Source: Guardian, 09/09/2019


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