Journalism & Media

Environmental Impact Statements a Key Tool for Reporters, But for How Long?

For decades, federal law has required environmental impact statements for big federal actions, like the building of dams, highways and more. Those impact statements, a valued reporting tool, may now be under threat. This week’s TipSheet explains how journalists can find them and use them, and why they could be at risk.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"The EPA Killed This Newspaper’s Funding. Was It Something They Said?"

"The Bay Journal, a monthly paper covering the Chesapeake Bay, isn’t the New York Times or CNN, and has so far avoided mention in the president’s Twitter feed. But the Bay Journal may be a casualty in the administration’s war on the media: the Journal recently lost its largest source of funding, in what its lawyers say was likely a violation of its First Amendment rights."

Source: WAMU, 02/08/2018
February 11, 2025

DEADLINE: Sigma Delta Chi Awards

The Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Awards recognize the best in professional journalism in categories covering print, radio, television, newsletters, art/graphics, online and research, as well as Spanish-language awards. Deadlines: Dec 31, 2024 (earlybird); Feb 11, 2025 (final).

Topics on the Beat: 

Idaho Stripped Climate Change From School Guidelines. Now It’s a Battle

"The political fight over global warming has extended to science education in recent years as several states have attempted to weaken or block new teaching standards that included information about climate science. But only in Idaho has the state legislature stripped all mentions of human-caused climate change from statewide science guidelines while leaving the rest of the standards intact."

Source: NY Times, 02/07/2018

Superfund News May Not Go Away

Somewhere near you is a toxic waste site. And as the EPA brings the Superfund cleanup program back into its sights, TipSheet helps you cover this perpetual problem. Info on cleanup funding and priority-setting, resources to locate nearby sites, questions to ask to dig into your Superfund story and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Raising Questions about Unequal Justice in Contamination Case

After an EPA Superfund settlement was rebuffed by a small town, a local environmental advocate goes to jail while executives behind a chemical plant contamination remain free. In the latest Q&A for our Inside Story column, we hear from investigative reporter Sharon Lerner of The Intercept about the complex challenges of telling this award-winning tale.

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