Journalism & Media

November 14, 2013

Book Author Pitch Slam in Seattle

Is there a topic you've been covering in depth that is screaming for further, more in-depth exploration? Is there an untold story or piece of environmental science or history that is unique to this region and its people that you've been pondering? Now is the time to bring out your ideas. Come to the first University of Washington Press/SEJ book pitch slam Thursday, November 14, 2013 from 6-8 pm in Seattle.

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Fund for Environmental Journalism Announces Summer 2013 Grantees

Thanks to generous funding from the Grantham Foundation, and individual members and friends of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ), we are pleased to announce grants totaling $15,380 to five journalism projects selected in SEJ’s Fund for Environmental Journalism Summer 2013 grant cycle.  Pictured: FEJ grantees Maureen Mitra and Dan Grossman.

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