Richard Zajac, Missouri
SEJ offers news, events, opportunities and more from diverse viewpoints. See upcoming deadlines including the Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling, EJN Virtual Media Workshop on the 30x30 Target and Marine Protected Areas, RTDNF Fellowships and Scholarships, Mongabay's Y. Eva Tan Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program and many more.
See opportunities for young journalists like these: Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award for science writing; Amnesty International Canada Media Awards; Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards; and more.
"Police officers investigating the theft of thousands of private emails between climate scientists from a University of East Anglia server in 2009 have seized computer equipment belonging to a web content editor based at the University of Leeds.
The Portland judge ruled that blogger Crystal Cox, who published allegations against businessman Kevin Padrick and was subsequently sued by Padrick for defamation, was not a journalist as she lacked any conventional journalistic credentials or affiliations, and therefore was not entitled to the protections of the state's shield law.
"Some media reported that a new analysis of environmental links to breast cancer tells women to stop worrying about consumer products. But these stories ignore the report’s explanation that definitive evidence is not attainable and lack of human evidence of harm doesn’t mean something is safe.The real news is that for the first time, an authoritative medical group stated that scientific evidence plausibly links pollutants and industrial chemicals with biological activity that suggests breast cancer risk."