Journalism & Media

For Reporters Roving the World, Do Your Homework and Take a Deep Breath

Freelance journalist Naomi Lubick offers tips from journalists who travel internationally to do their reporting. They all suggested that before you set off on your voyage, you have to be prepared — mentally, technically and physically.

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Media Play Key, Sometimes Misleading, Role in Public's View of Climate Research

The media may play a role in misleading the public, especially when journalists attempt a "false balance" in stories, giving equal treatment to climate science skeptics who question the validity of climate science studies.

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On-line Journalism Begins To Fill the Void After Newspaper World’s Decay

SEJournal's Bill Dawson interviews Environmental Health News editor-in-chief Marla Cone, who left the Los Angeles Times in 2008, after almost two decades. Since then, Cone has overseen a number of major changes at the not-for-profit online publication.

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