Laws & Regulations

What Trump Promised Oil CEOs As He Asked Them For $1 Billion To His Campaign

"Donald Trump has pledged to scrap President Biden’s policies on electric vehicles and wind energy, as well as other initiatives opposed by the fossil fuel industry."

Source: Washington Post, 05/09/2024

US Financial System Helps Shelter Profits From Environmental Organized Crime

"Environmental organized crime is a massive global enterprise, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars each year — and the U.S. financial system appears to be helping conceal its profits."

Source: The Hill, 05/08/2024

U.S. Oil and Gas Production Is Booming. So Are Donations to GOP Allies

"August Pfluger, an Air Force veteran and member of the U.S. House representing a small district in West Texas, isn’t exactly a household name on the national political scene, with little press coverage in the last two months outside a recent Fox News appearance. But he is the country’s top recipient of campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry".

Source: Capital & Main, 05/07/2024

"EPA Finally Takes On Abandoned Coal Ash Ponds — But It Might Be Too Late"

"The new rule builds on a landmark 2015 rule prohibiting coal ash from being permanently stored in places where it comes into contact with groundwater. This was meant to reform the widespread practice of creating so-called coal ash ponds where the toxin is stored in a wet slurry. While at that time the EPA only applied the rule to coal plants in active use, the new rule will require the cleanup of hundreds of “legacy” coal ash ponds."

Source: Grist, 05/07/2024

"Kentucky Republicans Split Over Renewed Law to Prop Up Costly Coal Plants"

"Last month, one of the nation’s top Republican donors became a flashpoint in a debate over the outsized power coal has in the state of Kentucky."

Source: Sierra, 05/07/2024

Oil Companies Contaminated a Family Farm. Regulators Let Them Walk Away.

"The oil and gas industry has reaped profits without ensuring there will be money to plug and clean up their wells. In Oklahoma, that work could cost more than $7 billion if it falls to the state."

Source: ProPublica/Capital & Main, 05/07/2024


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