
What’s Ahead on Climate Justice, Climate Crisis Beat

What environment stories will matter most in 2024 to communities of color and Indigenous communities? Columnist Yessenia Funes sheds light on concerns ranging from the environmental damage in Gaza and extreme weather across the United States to the fallout from the U.S. presidential election to the local impacts of the clean energy transition. Insights in the latest Voices of Environmental Justice.

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Pro-Iran Group Claims To Have Hacked Water Authority In Pennsylvania

"Federal officials are investigating after a pro-Iran hacking group claimed to have committed a cyberattack at a water authority in Pennsylvania, according to a state congressman and water authority officials."

Source: CNN, 11/29/2023

Desperate For Water, Desert City Hopes To Build Pipeline To Calif. Aqueduct

"After decades of unrestricted pumping in the rain-starved northwestern corner of the Mojave Desert, the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin Authority has the distinction of managing one of the most critically overdrawn aquifers in California."

Source: LA Times, 11/14/2023


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