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Help Environmental Journalists Catch up to Climate Change

This year, long-time SEJ member Meera Subramanian joined our board of directors to give back for the many ways SEJ has benefited her freelance career. As Meera puts it, "Earlier this month, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said: 'We are in deep trouble with climate change. Climate change is running faster than we are, and we must catch up sooner rather than later, before it is too late.' Part of catching up is supporting the organizations that support the journalists covering climate change and so many other important environmental issues around the world." Read more and please give now.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 29, 2017 to April 2, 2017

Environmental History Conference

The American Society for Environmental History's annual meeting, hosted by the University of Illinois-Chicago, will feature more than 100 sessions discussing climate change, environmental justice, endangered species, public lands, energy policy, forestry management, natural disasters, and other topics.

Topics on the Beat: 

Green Burial Not Just Throwing Ashes on Compost Heap

Chance research on the concept of green burials leads one freelancer not just to a years-long writing project, but to a more intimate encounter with the growing practice. In this essay, Ann Hoffner shares her first-hand experience with green burials and the deeper meaning she discovers in them, as well as one tender goodbye in a quiet wood.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 30, 2016 to April 3, 2016

Environmental History Conference

Environmental History and Its Publics - Annual Conference of the American Society for Environmental History

Topics on the Beat: 


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