
Congressional Regulatory Override — The Rulebook

Regulations about toxic air pollution from oil refineries are among many Obama administration actions that may be targetted for reversal by Republicans in Congress. The key to such a move? The Congressional Review Act. TipSheet explains how it works — and doesn't.

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Finding the Stories Beneath the Snow and Ice

Drought, flooding, water pollution, road conditions, shipping, climate change, even recreational activities like skiing, skating and ice-fishing — these are all potential stories around the white stuff, some with big environmental consequences. This week's TipSheet offers resources for local coverage of ice and snow.

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"Alaskans’ Cost of Staying Warm: A Thick Coat of Dirty Air"

"Miners huddled around them to stay warm through the long, cold nights in the Klondike gold rush of the 1800s. Artists have enshrined them in paintings and tourist curios. For many people in America’s far north, the old-fashioned wood stove — crackling and radiant, and usually cast-iron black — is as Alaskan as it gets. But many Alaskans also see their home state as a natural wonderland, where the expectation of bracingly pristine air is just as deeply ingrained."

Source: NY Times, 12/26/2016

"EPA Turns Away from CAFO Water Pollution"

"Federal inspections of cattle and hog feedlots, turkey houses, and other animal feeding operations dropped for a fourth consecutive year, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data. The number of fines and orders to change management practices for those same facilities fell for a fifth consecutive year."

Source: Circle of Blue, 12/23/2016


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