
The Rare Trump Appointment Actually Making Scientists Very Happy

"The appointment of fisheries biologist Chris Oliver to lead NOAA Fisheries — the agency within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that is charged with sustainable management of commercial fisheries worth more than $140 billion — represents a striking departure from the Trump administration’s scientific and environmental personnel and policy choices."

Source: Washington Post, 07/14/2017

"2 New Studies Undermine Climate Denial Arguments"

"Two new studies published this month are helping resolve lingering differences between what climate models have predicted and what actual measurements have recorded. In doing so, they undermine two of the timeworn arguments used by those who question the prevailing scientific consensus on global warming."

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/06/2017

"EPA Chief Met With Dow CEO Before Deciding On Pesticide Ban"

"The Trump administration's top environmental official met privately with the chief executive of Dow Chemical shortly before reversing his agency's push to ban a widely used pesticide after health studies showed it can harm children's brains, according to records obtained by The Associated Press."

Source: AP, 06/28/2017


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