Google Changed Emission Calculations, Making Air Travel Look Cleaner
"Last month the tech giant shifted its algorithm to exclude a crucial component of the overall greenhouse gas impact of air travel."
"Last month the tech giant shifted its algorithm to exclude a crucial component of the overall greenhouse gas impact of air travel."
"The White House put forth a policy guidance Thursday requiring all federally funded research to be made available to the public for free upon publication by 2026."
"It was the height of summer and Pastor Farris Wilks was warning that if we didn’t all stop sinning, God was going to scorch the Earth and melt the polar ice caps."
"A robot boat, controlled from the UK, has returned from an initial survey of the underwater Tongan volcano that erupted explosively back in January."
"To the average consumer of news, the petition’s message might seem reasonable—a healthy dose of skepticism in a debate that affects everyone. .... But despite its measured tone and its list of supporters with impressive-sounding titles like professor or doctor, the declaration isn’t what it appears to be, several career climatologists and disinformation experts told Inside Climate News. "
"Precipitation extremes are now more feast or famine because of climate change".
"The slowdown of a key ocean current could release methane that is frozen in layers of organic seabed sediments along some of the world’s coastlines, a new study shows."
A recent climate change disinformation kerfuffle involving House Republicans and White House climate czar Gina McCarthy (pictured, left) is an excellent reminder of how journalists can get caught up in the decades-long campaign to deny climate change, argues the latest WatchDog Opinion column. A warning about the effort to weaponize the idea of transparency when it comes to climate change.
"The widely used weedkiller dicamba poses a previously unknown risk to honeybees, EPA said in a draft assessment of the pesticide’s potential dangers to wildlife."