Water & Oceans

December 2, 2010

Dialogs for Water and Climate Change in COP 16

During the 16th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 16) in Mexico, a series of partners led by the National Water Commission of Mexico will be coming together to organize these Dialogs to shed new light on the importance of water management for climate change adaptation.

Topics on the Beat: 
January 31, 2011

DEADLINE: Metcalf Institute Fellowships/Science Seminar: Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster

Gain hands-on knowledge of oceanographic techniques in labs and on board the R/V Acadiana and discuss the latest research on the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster with leading experts. The seminar, April 6-8, 2011, is tuition free and includes room and board. Deadline: January 31, 2011.


Topics on the Beat: 

Nestle Bid Prompts Move To Put Michigan's Water Under State Protection

"Michiganders don't have to worry much about having an adequate supply of water. But efforts by Nestlé to bottle water in the state, and the prospect of drier times in a climate-changed future, are leading some residents to try to put Michigan groundwater under permanent protection."

Source: Living on Earth/PRI, 11/16/2010

"Leaking Underground CO2 Storage Could Contaminate Drinking Water"

"Leaks from carbon dioxide injected deep underground to help fight climate change could bubble up into drinking water aquifers near the surface, driving up levels of contaminants in the water tenfold or more in some places, according to a study by Duke University scientists."

Source: SPX, 11/15/2010


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