
A Town in Washington Recognizes the Rights of Southern Resident Orcas

"The city of Port Townsend, Washington, on Monday proclaimed that Southern Resident Orcas have legal rights, marking the first time a U.S. city council has made such a recognition."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/07/2022

"Ranchers, Greens On Edge As BLM Rewrites Grazing Rule"

"For the first time in almost three decades, the Bureau of Land Management is preparing a new rule to guide its management of cows and other livestock grazing on federal lands, a long divisive issue that has only grown more contentious in the West after two decades of drought."

Source: E&E News, 12/07/2022
December 5, 2024

DEADLINE: Wildlife Photographer of the Year

This annual international competition and exhibition of the Natural History Museum in London, UK highlights the unique and beautiful relationship between photography, science and art. Includes a young photographer category. Win cash prizes, a place in the museum's exhibit and more. Deadline: Dec 5, 2024.

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